Motivation-Idea of the Project
The motivation behind this proposal comes from the direct participation of all 6 partner organisations in VET with differentcapacities: VET providers (P2-CECE,P3-DSEP), labor market representatives (P5-CCBI,P6-CODE) and R&D (P1-UoC,P5-NCSRD). This active involvement revealed real needs related to the digital transformation and attractiveness of VETprovision, whilst reflecting our shared commitment to develop targeted results, that will have a systemic impact.
The Skills Agenda and the 2020 Recommendation on VET emphasises the need to support reform in improving the digitalreadiness of VET institutions, whereas the Digital Education Action Plan highlights the need to offer trainers professionaldevelopment opportunities for digital upskilling. A significant priority is also given to providing adaptive training opportunitiessuch as e-apprenticeship or blended work-based learning, relevant to the forward-looking skills needed for students to enterthe labor market successfully. Notwithstanding, the 2020 Recommendation and the 2023 “Web 4.0 & Virtual Worlds”supports the use of versatile pedagogies and tools such as extended reality XR (VR,AR) for training.
Given that VET has been identified as a focus area for cooperation under the EU Education Area initiative (2021-2030) andthat, on average, 50% of young Europeans aged 15-19 participate in I-VET at upper secondary level across the EU,integrating emerging technologies into training and specifically XR can offer various advantages. It has the potential totransform traditional training through digital and innovative methods and prepare VET students for the labor market.
Considering that the broader European labor market reports significant gaps in recruiting skilled workers across severaleconomic sectors, offering a training programme that prepares future graduates will maximize growth and employability prospects.
More specifically, VR is considered a valuable tool for preparing students for the workforce, particularly in industries and challenging professions where safety precautions are vital (e.g. use of dangerous machinery) or where the cost of real-world training is prohibitive. VR can replicate real-life settings whilst ensuring the acquisition of practical learning and job-specificskills. Creating a controlled learning environment where real-life scenarios can be safely simulated is crucial for preparing future workers with essential skills, while offering a pleasant experience (see Realising VR Learning Environment for Industry 4.0).
Funding the XRinVET proposal enables the transnational collaboration among 6 partners from 4 EU countries (GR,CY,ES,BE) with a huge outreach (3 public bodies including 1 HEI, 1 Directorate, 1 Brussel-based business NGO, 1 National Network of schools), to address the above challenges and develop targeted innovative products, that can be EXPLOITED by others and be SUSTAINED as part of their daily practices thus optimally utilizating EU funding.
Key objectives include:
- Offer work-based opportunities via a blended learning methodology in education, training and apprenticeship using VR/AR
techniques. - Increase the attractiveness of VET and meet the needs of the labour market
- Promote digital transformation, modernisation and upgrade of the quality of the VET sector in general
- Promote access, inclusion and participation of VET students, who are usually regarded as “low-achievers”, in high-quality
The main activities:
- Develop a Professional Development Programme for VET Trainers
- Design scenario-based activities for work-related VR simulations in at least 3 different job settings/sector
- Create a blended methodology in education and training based on a co-design approach to enable active participation of
all the target groups - Implement an Interactive Platform with various functionalities
- Dissemination and sustainability activities
Digital Tools and Educational material:
- Interactive platform that will include: e-Mapping Tool for best practices, e-Academy
- VR simulations for acquiring essential employability skills in high-demand professions
- Blended Learning Methodology for education and training in VET institutions and apprenticeships
1. Digital Transformation in VET schools for work-based learning
Mapping tool to collect and list current work-based programmes and apprenticeships that take place in a blended form for a set of selected professions (indicative: Electrician, Car Mechanic, Interior Design, Construction, Dental Technician, Agriculture, Food).
Formulate the Expert Advisory Committeeand the Open Consultation Groups which will consist of representatives from the target groups.
Summary reports on the Open Consultation and Expert Advisory Committee meetings, presenting the target groups’ views. Provide a series of recommendations regarding the utilization of emerging technologies in apprenticeships and the VET Sector in general, at the national, regional, and EU levels.
Peer Review Report based on a national index of good practices collected through the Mapping Tool in the form of infographics to be integrated within the platform to depict selected professions for VET students and create a discussion forum between experts on education and training, discussing SWOT including blended apprenticeship programmes. The aim is to enable the collection of good practices, to share these good practices, and to apply the lessons learned to design the digital tools.
Audit Tool, accessible from mobile devices, to assess and propose actions regarding the readiness of VET institutions to adopt education and training via blended methodologies addressing significant challenges of post-Covid-19 disruptions in F2F learning, especially for students who live in remote and rural areas.
2. Training pack for VET trainers and students
Professional Development Course for VET Trainers in the form of a seminar, based on the selected topics and utilizing VR, gamification elements and game-design skills
Digital documents, presentations, practical exercises
Micro-credential methodology to be adopted and Digital Badges designed for each module in the professional development course based on the “Proposal for a Council Recommendation on a European approach to micro-credentials guidelines” and assessment criteria set by partners.
Digital Badges
Job-portrait through Infographics to describe the job profile of professions within the VR simulations based on CEDEFOP and the needs of each country while using ESCO
Digital documents
Competence Framework to define the skills, competencies, and attitudes to be acquired by VET students through the VR simulations divided into 3 units/modules and different scenario-based activities and skills related to the selected professions.
Digital document
Educational Pack for VET students in the form of e-learning material, VR simulations, guide books and audiovisual material.
Digital documents, worksheets, presentations, practical exercises, guidelines for the design of the scenario-based activities to be included in the VR simulations.
3. Blended-Learning Methodology in Education and Training: Interactive Platform and VR Simulations for Training
Develop a blended-learning methodology for initiating web-based apprenticeships for VET students, addressing a) VET institutions and b) Labour Market Actors
VR User Manual and VR simulations based on the selected professions, are designed to promote skills acquisition as per the Competence Framework (WP3). The VR simulations will be downloadable through the platform.
An interactive Platform to integrate all educational material and project results produced along with a networking tool to link all participants and target groups for potential cooperation and collaboration towards implementing the learning methodology and for initiating work-based apprenticeship programmes for VET students.
- Training Mobility for Educators
- Upskilling Programme for: VET trainers & VET students
Plus: Dissemination & Exploitation Plan, Events