The project focuses on:
– VET teachers and trainers with diverse expertise (e.g. IT, engineering, mechanics, agriculture, design, etc) whose profiles
will be strengthened by acquiring new digital skills in emerging technologies (XR simulations), will expand their tools and
resources to support blended work-based learning and will benefit by the validated Professional Development Course, using
the micro-credential methodology of the EU and the ECVET process.
– VET students 16+ years studying in the selected upcoming professions, identified through transnational evidence, will
benefit from VR simulations facilitating blended learning. This approach will ensure new and equal opportunities for VET
training, particularly for those living in remote or rural areas.
Other groups to benefit:
– Labor market actors, employers, stakeholders, social partners, Chambers of Commerce, industries, SMEs, etc., will be
invited to create synergies and partnerships with the VET Institutions for providing blended-based apprenticeship
– Ministries of Education; Local Authorities; HEIs providing professional development courses; VET providers; Research and
Training Centers; Accreditation bodies; Authorities responsible for education & training or employment at regional or
national level; Employment services