CECE, Quality Education in Spain

The Spanish Confederation of Schools (CECE) is a non-profit organisation which represents private and subsidised education in Spain.

It was founded in 1977, during the restoration of democracy. It’s first President was Angel Martinez Fuertes. The current President of CECE is Alfonso Aguiló Pastrana.

CECE is an educational organisation with a high representation in Spain. It’s main feature is plurality: bringing together both private and subsidised schools, as well as religious and secular ones. Universities, language schools, halls of residence, nursery schools, special education and schools of hairdressing and beauty also form part of CECE. An educational universe providing a service to society.

On an international level, CECE is integrated into:

International Organisation for the Right to Education (OIDEL)

European School Heads Association (ESHA)

European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET)

European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools (ECNAIS)

In Spain, CECE participates in the negotiation of education-related labour agreements, provides legal advice to schools and offers ongoing training to teachers and principals. In this way, it aims to contribute to the modernisation of an education system which is able to address the challenges of a digitised and globalised world. All of us -schools, families, teachers and students- are united in a single goal: to achieve a quality education system which contributes towards a better society.

Website: https://www.cece.es