The XRinVET project aims to support digital transformation in VET through the uptake of innovative technologies, including VR and AR (XR). The main objective is to increase the capacity and readiness of VET institutions by providing a validated (through micro redentials) professional development course for VET trainers and VET students to enhance their digital skills.
The project’s objective is to promote the use of emerging technologies as an innovative approach in VET and to enhance the employability skills of VET students. In line with DigComp 2.2, the project focuses on providing VET trainers with digital tools and technological expertise.
An essential goal is to advocate the creation of a Blended-Learning Methodology, incorporating XR technologies to encourage virtual and work-based learning in VET sectors where apprenticeship training isn’t available or is not cost-effective.
This approach particularly emphasizes on social inclusion of students living in remote areas, who are often underrepresented, and aims to foster innovation in the VET sector.

Moreover, XRinVET aims to introduce innovative tools in VET to make it more relevant to the current and future needs of the economy and society. It pioneers utilising XR (VR/AR) technologies to boost employability prospects and equip VET trainers with key skills to utilise emerging technologies and gamification elements in classrooms. XRinVET addresses teaching and learning processes by developing and implementing new and more relevant teaching and learning approaches aligning with Council Recommendation on VET, Digital Education Action Plan and Europe 2020 Strategy.

The project aims to enhance the appeal of VET by supporting the professional development of VET teachers, design and implement innovative pedagogies in education and training to strengthen enthusiasm and motivation to the profession for VET trainers. Through the introduction of new and innovative curricula in VET, it fosters students’ employability skills, focusing on high-demand professions derived from ESCO (European Skills, Competences, and Occupations). Furthermore, it reinforces innovation in VET through partnerships with businesses, enabling the provision of blended apprenticeship opportunities for VET students.